For whom?
Sweet shops
I can help you if:
The bread is crumbling
The sourdough turns bread out to be heavy or sour
The product is cracking
The incisions do not open
The blank is blurry
Bread goes stale quickly
How to reduce costs
I will provide a ready-made training system for new staff
I will teach:
Work with different types of natural starter cultures
Use leftover rye and wheat bread
Get the result the client expects
Gluten-free baking technologies
Extend shelf life without chemicals
How to make a clean label with minimal investment
Work progress
Free technology consultation, problem identification and goal setting
Product line analysis
Visit to production, training, refinement, creation of new recipes, trial production of products
Development of a system for analyzing the quality of finished products
Adjustment of pricing and cost of the product line
Working on mistakes, eliminating defects
Recommendations for marketing and promotion
About me
Irina Maltseva
Online school "Vivality Bread" is 4 years old. More than 2000 graduates from 18 countries
Nutritionist. I know everything about a balanced and healthy diet, assimilation of bread and pastries. Help you reduce calories
Practitioner with over 10 years of experience in sourdough baking
15 years of experience in building retail sales. Owner of five
retail chain stores
Higher education analyst
Consulting and supervision of bakeries in Europe
The solution to your baking problems
Process optimization
Training your staff
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Please enter your details. We will contact you to confirm the date and time of the consultation.
Facts in numbers
followers on social networks
Payment and cost of services
views of educational videos on YouTube
online school students
original recipes for sourdough
countries around the world were inspired to recreate unique technologies and recipes
The cost is determined based on your request after a Zoom consultation.

Cash and non-cash payment for services is possible. A complete package of accounting documents for reporting.

Online support is possible all over the world, visiting production is also possible by agreement. I live in Slovenia
> 100 000
> 10 m.
> 2 000
> 50
> 13